
The registration deadline was April 5th, 2022, however, registration (without abstract submission) with payment by bank transfer is still possible.

Registration on-site will be possible, with cash payment only of the registration fee, plus an additional 50 Euro.


How to register:

For registration, please send an email to  mentioning the following details:

1. Title

2. Family name, first name

3. Institute name and address

4. Contact phone number

5. Email address

6. Gender: male/female/binary/other/prefer not to say

7. Which term best describes your current professional status? For e.g. graduate student, postdoc, staff scientist, group leader, professor
*Proof of student status (send a scanned copy of your student identity card or letter of support from your supervisor)

8. Food restrictions, allergies, incompatibilities, if any.

9. Are you vaccinated? Did you receive two vaccination doses and booster dose? Please provide the proof of your vaccinations.

10. Are you interested to present a talk at the Young Scientists Symposium? If yes, please submit your abstract according to the guidelines mentioned below.

11. Are you interested to present a poster? If yes, please submit your abstract according to the guidelines mentioned below.


Abstract guidelines:

Please follow the following guidelines before submitting the abstract:

1. Abstracts should be submitted exclusively in English language as a Word file with a maximum of 400 words including all details.

2. Abstract should have the title of the talk.

3. The name of the presenting author should be marked with asterisk (*) and affiliation of the author(s) should be mentioned.

4. Email address of the presenting author.

5. Mention the source of funding, if any.


Poster guidelines:

The posters should be in portrait style and not exceeding 1.7 m in length x 0.85 m in width.

Registration and fees:

Registration is mandatory for all the attendees.

Faculty and industry scientists: 350 euros

Postdoctoral scientists: 300 euros

Students: 250 euros

Heidelberg/Mannheim faculty and postdoctoral scientists: 300 euros

Registration fees include coffee breaks, non-alcoholic beverages during the sessions, lunch on all the days, dinner on April 24th and the registration materials. Please provide the proof of your status (graduate student, medical student or junior postdoctoral fellow) via student identity card or the letter of support from your supervisor.


Bank details for the transfer of the registration fee:

Account Name (Konto Name): Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg
Bank Name: Baden-Wuerttembergische Bank Stuttgart
BLZ: 60050101
Account number (Kontonummer): 7421500429
IBAN: DE64 6005 0101 7421 5004 29
Purpose of Transfer (Verwendungzweck): D.10089000 (please include your first and last name here)


Registration confirmation:

Preliminary confirmation of registration, along with the bank details to transfer the registration fee, will be sent on receipt of email with the aforementioned details.

You will receive the final confirmation of registration after remittance of the registration fee. If you have paid the registration fee and not yet received the final confirmation, please bring proof of your payment with you to the meeting.


COVID-19: entry and quarantine regulations in Germany:

Website of Germany’s Federal Foreign Office